Cover Page
  • Authors: Yurtaeva V.G.1
  • Affiliations:
    1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev
  • Issue: No 1(22) (2023): 30.12.2023
  • Pages: 138-141
  • Section: Economics and management
  • Published: 30.12.2023
  • URL:
  • ID: 22764

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This paper addresses the importance of studying the color psychology in a logo to properly brand a company. The topic of the psychology of red in the logo is studied in more detail: its features and problems in the misuse of color, positive and negative perception by the consumer. Various shades of red and their perception by the consumer are listed, that is, what association at the subconscious level causes a certain shade in the consumer. Various business areas that operate in the Russian Federation are considered, which most often use red in their logo, as well as business areas that do not suit this color at all and cause negative emotions in the consumer.

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Currently, the topic of color psychology in the company logo is relevant. This is due to the fact that modern conditions have radically changed the market of each country, especially the Russian Federation. The closure of many businesses and organizations has pushed for new firms. New and still unknown organizations face the problem of entering the market [2].

In question: "How to make sure that we are learned and remembered?" Each company is set. And, of course, the logo is one of the main marketing tools with which the company can attract attention and be remembered by the consumer.

The importance of choosing a logo color is confirmed by many brands, since most often the consumer associates brands with the color of their logo. For example, when a consumer recalls Sunlight, red immediately comes to mind, Vkontakte - blue, Ascona - green. Such associations come to the consumer through proper handling of color psychology.

Research conditions and methods

Research on this topic was carried out through the study of the logos of Russian companies operating in different areas of business, as well as the study of the psychology of red shades.

Results and discussions

Each of the colors carries a certain psycho-emotional influence on the potential buyer. The most ambiguous and extraordinary color is red, as it has a powerful influence on the buyer and at the subconscious level forces the consumer to act.

An extraordinary red color is due to the fact that each of its shades carries a certain psychology and is perceived differently by a potential consumer (Fig. 1). One shade can be positive and associated with characteristics such as: strength, desire, energy, and spontaneity; another shade can cause associations with aggression and anger and carry negative connotations.

Fig. 1. Positive and Negative Perception of Red

The Company can choose a shade of red for its logo, relying on those characteristics that it wants to cause in the consumer at the subconscious level [1]:

The bright red hue carries an intensity character due to its brightness. That color is worth using if a company wants a brand to evoke associations with strength, tremendous energy and leadership. Bright red encourages and stimulates a person to act, as well as improves mood;

The dark red hue in most cases causes aggression in the consumer, as it has saturation and density of color. But food and catering companies use dark red in order to evoke a desire for increased appetite and sharpness;

The wine hue is very complex, as it is quite rich and deep in color. Such a shade carries a secret and unknown and can cause the consumer to feel heavy. However, beauty and beauty companies often use this color;

The purple hue is calmer in color, since it lacks a blue pigment, which just causes the consumer to feel heavy and pressured. Purple carries an association of confidence, dignity and greatness, as well as inducing self-confidence;

Raspberry is a shade of style, fashion and taste. This color evokes associations with warmth and youth, femininity and beauty;

Carrot is a shade of red that evokes joy. It is not so bright that it does not put pressure on the buyer and does not cause aggression, but carries the same refinement and femininity.

Table 1 provides a summary of the psychology of each individual color.

Table 1. Consumer associations when looking at different shades of red

Thus, in order to choose a shade of red, you need to understand what associations the company wants to get when looking at its logo by the consumer. If it is important for a company to associate itself with passion and desire, red should contain a shade of orange. If you want a calmer shade, the palette should contain blue podtone.
Red is quite popular and is used in many logos of Russian companies in various fields of activity. You can especially often find shades of red in trading companies, travel companies, fast food restaurants, Russian communication companies.
The perception of red in various business areas is presented in Table 2.
Table 2.
Perception of red color in various areas of activity of Russian companies
In most cases, food firms use red in their logo, as it causes the consumer to feel an increased appetite, which pushes the buyer to buy goods. Examples of such companies are: Samara Bakery and Confectionery Plant, Good Cola, Red and White.
Almost all fast foods have a red logo, as it gives an association of something hot, red-hot. Red does not just cause hunger, the consumer experiences a strong desire for the product, the speed of eating it and an increased feeling of love for the product. For example, the Russian fast food chain Teremok linked two colors in the logo - red and white. White is used by the company to accentuate the primary color to further accentuate red.
In the IT sphere, through red, the company conveys the power of digital technology and the ability to make bold decisions. Popular companies such as the Yandex search engine and YouTube video hosting are examples of IT companies that use red in the logo.

Russian clothing brands choose a red logo to attract the attention of the client, stand out from the rest of the companies and quickly remember, which is why most often in the logos of such a field of activity you can see a shade of bright red. Also, red motivates the consumer to buy spontaneously. There are quite a few examples of clothing brands with a red logo: Gloria Jeans, O'stin, Zarina, and so on.
And, of course, it's no secret that red is primarily associated with love and passion. That is why Russian dating sites, lingerie stores and everything related to the sphere of love chooses red for its logo. Petra lingerie brand, Mamba dating site, Flowwow Samara Flower Shop are examples of romantic-related spheres whose brands use red shades in the logo.
Thus, in these areas of activity of Russian companies, red shades in the logo are perceived positively by the consumer, which helps brands to evoke bright emotions in the consumer, stand out from competitors and be easily remembered. When choosing a red color for its logo, the company needs to understand that for some areas of activity such a color is simply inappropriate. For example, when a company associates itself with characteristic features of safety, stability, calm. All this is the opposite features of red. Areas of business that are discouraged from using red in the logo are shown in Table 3. Table 3. areas of business that need to choose different colors in the company logo
Logos of science and technology, in which red is present, are extremely rare, since it does not fit the association of calm and intelligence. Typically, such companies choose blue or blue for their logo.
Social networks that use their logo in red colors can cause the consumer to feel aggression, anxiety and danger. Therefore, this area of ​ ​ activity is recommended to use calmer and more stable colors - black, blue, purple.
Companies selling hygiene products must use soft, delicate and floral colors in their logo: pink, blue, pale yellow, etc. Green is perceived as fresh. Red is not associated in any way with care and hygiene, tenderness and freshness.

Airlines are primarily associated with safe and smooth flight. Therefore, the best color for such companies is blue or blue.
Analyzing the above table, we can conclude that there are areas of business that are absolutely not suitable for red for the logo, since it causes a negative perception, causing the consumer to have completely different associations that the brand wants to convey.


Thus, the study confirmed the importance of studying the topic of color psychology in the company logo, since each color is perceived differently by the consumer and causes a certain association.
Red is a rather complex and ambiguous color. But by choosing the right shade in its logo, the company will attract the attention of consumers every day, evoke vivid emotions and a desire to purchase a product or service.


About the authors

Viktoria Grigorievna Yurtaeva

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev

Author for correspondence.

Institute of Economics and Management, 1 year

Russian Federation, 443086, Russia, Samara, Moscow highway, 34


  1. Semenov, A.K. Psychology and ethics of management and business: textbook/A.K. Semenov, E.L. Maslova. - 10th ed. - Moscow: Dashkov and K, 2020. - 276 s.
  2. Uvarova L.N., Ivanova V.D. Psychology of color in marketing//Scientific journal E-scio, 2021. №1 (52) URL:

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