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RZD Lоgistics is the largest multimodal lоgistics оperator in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and Baltic cоuntries. Created in оrder tо develоp the lоgistics business segment оf Russian Railways Hоlding, the cоmpany is amоng the leaders оf Russian lоgistics market and оffers its clients a wide range оf services, including international cоntainer transit and supply chain management. Thus, this paper discusses the strategies of RZD Logistics that the company have made in order to create and maintain the different international expansion of transportation of goods and logistics in Asia and Europe, also in this article, it shows the different transit and routes that the RZD Logistics have accomplished in different countries from Asia and Europe and also their service benefits on the company itself that it has achieved during the years and the development of creating new projects and ways for the distribution of the logistics on time.

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In 2020, the holding earned more than 483 billion rubles, which is about 20 % of all revenue, while the indicator consists of income from transit traffic, international logistics and the implementation of foreign projects. The commercial results of international initiatives and foreign projects complement the important social, environmental and, of course, image effects that are important not only for the company, but also for the country as a whole. For example, implementing infrastructure projects in Siberia, "Russian Railways" simultaneously provides support to educational institutions and projects to provide material and humanitarian assistance.

The support of the state on the export activities

Taking into account the high capital intensity of infrastructure projects, RZZD constantly makes proposals on their financing conditions. Overall, the approach of working on the basis of intergovernmental agreements has proven successful. This can be supplemented by interaction with development banks and relevant credit counseling agencies. In addition, dialogue with Russian export support agencies is also important. The holding's products and services to foreign counterparties are provided through government export support instruments and export products from financial institutions and banks. In 2020, despite the epidemic situation, all international agreements will be fully implemented, and bilateral and multilateral negotiations will remain dynamic. The holding's products and services to foreign counterparties are provided through government export support instruments and export products from financial institutions and the banks.

The prospects for international expansion of the state

Creative arrangements in the field of digitalization appear to be the most encouraging - and this is likewise the focal point of our abroad development. At the moment, RZD Logistics provides its partners with a selection of efficient IT solutions for electronic services, electronic trading platforms for freight and complex transportation and logistics products, and electronic document management, which makes it possible to transport shipments without using paper. participants.

In terms of how our information management systems interact with recipients and shipping partners, particularly ports, the integration of logistics systems is expanding as a result of new technologies. We can use the work of copying information technology, "Inter tran," which provides electronic document management during the transportation of containers from Japan and China through the port of Vladivostok to the Russian and Belarusian consignees, as well as to Central Asia and Europe in the future, as an example.

The accentuation is on the execution of imaginative game plans in the field of moving stock movement and structure upkeep. AT (Modified Train Driving) RZD Activities propels for customized train driving, electronic twins, and phony vision are actually advanced and are at the period of testing. The principal making a beeline for decline the energy power of the entire transportation process, including utilizing hybrid advances and the change to elective powers [1].

International transit

"RZD Logistics" transports goods along the "East-West" and "North-South" international transport corridors. The organization gives to the clients a great help on the rule of "all in one resource", give every one of the vital extra administrations and assurance the security of the freight along the whole course.

RZD Planned operations sent off a new multimodal travel administration RZDL Trans-Siberian Land Extension for the sped up conveyance of freight in compartments from Japan and Korea to Europe through the Vladivostok Business Ocean Port and the Trans-Siberian Rail line. The assistance permits to altogether diminish the terms of freight transportation in examination with customary ocean courses [2].

The help accommodates the shipment of products in standard compartments from the Japanese ports of Yokohama, Sendai, Kobe, Shimizu, Nagoya, To yamachinko and the Korean port of Busan to European nations as well as the other way around [3].

International transit commission (ITC "east-west")

The organizers expedited shipments by regular container trains in the directions of China-
Europe-China with an optimal delivery time of 14 days.

  • Transit traffic is carried out along three main routes:

    • Through the Russian Federation - the border crossing Zabaikalsk

    • Through Mongolia - Naushki border crossing

    • Through Kazakhstan - border crossings Dostyk, Altynkol

  • Advantages of the service:

    • High delivery speed

    • Door to door delivery

    • Cargo safety

    • Informing about the location of the container

    • 24-hour service

    • Saving money

    • Ability to send on a schedule [4].

Main transit routes

There are many defeats that organization has make for working with the transportation of the merchandise and coordinated factors, as from China to Europe, from Korea to Europe, as well as from Russia to Vietnam, the subtleties of these streets are:

Travel China - Europe :

  • Suzhou - Warsaw/Duisburg/Hamburg/Milan - Suzhou (from 16 evenings)

  • Xi'an - Ghent - Xi'an (from 18 days)

  • Changchun - Warsaw/Duisburg/Hamburg/Milan - Changchun (from 16 evenings)

  • Shenyang - Malaszewicze/Warsaw/Duisburg/Hamburg/Milan - Shenyang (from 16 evenings)

  • Wuhan - Malaszewicze/Warsaw/Duisburg/Hamburg/Milan - Wuhan (from 16 evenings)

  • Shilun - Malaszewicze/Warsaw/Duisburg/Hamburg/Milan - Shilun (from 19 evenings)

  • Dalian/Beijing/Qingdao - Malaszewicze/Warsaw/Duisburg/Hamburg/Milan - Dalian/Beijing/Tianjin/Qingdao (from 16 evenings)

  • Travel Korea - Europe (through China)

  • Incheon - Malaszewicze/Warsaw/Duisburg/Hamburg/Milan - Incheon (from 22 evenings) [5]

  • Yokohama/Kobe/Toyama/Incheon - Malaszewicze/Warsaw/Duisburg/Worklo/Hamburg/Milan - Yokohama/Kobe/Toyama/Incheon (from 19 evenings)

  • ITC "Russia-Vietnam"

  • Hanoi - Moscow - Hanoi (from 18 days)

  • ITC "North-South"

  • Mumbai - Moscow - Mumbai (from 22 evenings)

  • The North-South Worldwide Vehicle Passageway is intended to give dependable vehicle joins between the nations of Europe, the CIS, the Persian Bay and South Asia.

The corridor connects the Caspian Sea to three primary cargo routes:

  • Trans-Caspian: through the ports of Astrakhan, Olya, Makhachkala.

  • Vostochny: direct rail link through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan at existing border crossings.

  • Western: direction Astrakhan - Makhachkala - Samur, then through the territory of Azerbaijan to the planned border station Astara.

The new western multimodal course goes through the domains of Russia, Azerbaijan and India, its length from St. Petersburg to the port of Mumbai (Bombay, India) is 7200 km. It is an option in contrast to the ocean course associating Europe, the nations of the Persian Bay and the Indian Sea (by means of the Suez Waterway).

In October 2016, RZD Logistics became the first logistics company on the North-South ITC. ADY Express forwarder, Azerbaijan Railways, and PJSC Trans Container collaborated on the pilot shipment. The multimodal course went through the domains of Russia, Azerbaijan and India and incorporated the utilization of ocean, street and rail transport.

Service benefits

  • optimal terms of delivery of goods - twice as fast as by sea through the Suez Canal

  • one stop service

  • shipments do not depend on weather conditions

  • round the clock running

  • no restrictions on the volume of transportation

  • provided by a trusted service provider


As a business, RZD Logistics has made significant advancements in the transportation sector, specifically in the logistics and transportation of goods, by expanding its IT infrastructure and constructing new Asian and European roads that contribute to the improvement of both the efficiency and quality of goods delivery to various locations.

Hence, we can presume that RZD Operations has magnificent chances to acquire a traction not just among the most esteemed organizations in Russia, yet in addition to enter the world positioning. A deliberate way to deal with the association of exercises will add to the way that the endeavor will be considered as a solitary life form.


About the authors

Bilel Tobbal

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-2246-4468


  1. Special projects of the company. URL: (reference date: 15.04.2023).
  2. Trans-Siberian Landbridge. URL: ( reference date: 18.04.2023).
  3. International transit. URL: (reference date 18.04.2023).
  4. RZD Logistics container News. URL: (reference date 19.04.2023).
  5. Trans-Siberian Landbridge, Korea-Europe. URL: (reference date: 20.04.2023).

Supplementary files

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Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University

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