Realia as a means of creating fictional space of post-apocalyptic world (based on «The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials» by J. Dashner)

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The article is dedicated to the study of the specifics of realia as one of the main means of creating an artistic space of the dystopian world. This topic is addressed due to high popularity of dystopian literature, which is closely related to social issues. Such books depict possible scenarios of the humanity future, which makes modern people think about the problems of interaction between man and society, as well as man and scientific and technological progress. The original text «The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials» by J. Dashner was used as an empirical basis for the research. As a result, semantic classification of realia was carried out. The selected realia were divided into 5 groups: onomastic, domestic, geographical, realia of nature and the ones denoting the administrative structure of the state. In addition, artistic potential of realia as a tool for creating a fictional post-apocalyptic world was revealed. The conclusion about the role of various groups of realia in creating an authentic artistic space was made.

About the authors

Alina Zhuchkova

Author for correspondence.

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Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University

ISSN 2782-2982 (Online)

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