On the question of the implementation of film therapy with adolescents of deviant behavior in the social service

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Annotation. In this paper, attention is drawn to the relevance of the formation of a value system in modern adolescents of deviant behavior; the peculiarities of the perception of information by representatives of this socio-demographic group are revealed; the role of films and cartoons as sources provoking deviant behavior of adolescents in the field of free time is noted. Film therapy is presented as a technology of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior. The results of an experimental study obtained using the expert survey method are of interest. Insufficient methodological support of film therapy in social services, the absence of a specially developed program for conducting film therapy sessions was revealed.

Purpose: to concretize film therapy with adolescents of deviant behavior in social services.Research method: expert survey. Number of experts: 10 people (social work specialists, psychologists, social educators).

Results and their discussion.

A system of comprehensive social services for adolescents with deviant behavior has been formed in the Samara region. The expert survey conducted with the specialists of these institutions allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Film therapy is an effective technology of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior.
  2. Film therapy has a universal character, i.e. it can be considered as a technology of diagnostics, social prevention and social correction.
  3. Film therapy allows you to solve various problems of adolescents with deviant behavior: it forms skills for predicting their own behavior, readiness for public expression of their own position, corrects self-esteem, parent-child relationships, conflict behavior, etc.
  4. Film therapy is perceived by teenagers as an element of entertainment, not edification, which makes it possible to evaluate it as accessible, understandable for perception.
  5. One of the key points of a film therapy session is the timing, the absence of external interference, because after distraction from the film it is difficult to re-create the necessary atmosphere for further viewing.
  6. Film therapy is a time-consuming technology. So, a full viewing of the film can take several hours, due to the lack of allocated time for one session, the analysis of the film is postponed to another time, which requires additional resources from both specialists and teenagers. Therefore, most often group sessions of film therapy are held, individual classes are held to work out the specific problems of a particular teenager.

Conclusions. A theoretical analysis of scientific literature and the results of an expert survey indicate that there are wide opportunities for the implementation of film therapy in social work with adolescents of deviant behavior. However, the results of the expert survey indicate insufficient methodological support for film therapy in social services; the absence of specially developed programs for conducting film therapy sessions. This aspect will be the subject of further research by the authors.

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Currently, due to mass globalization, free access to information, the problem of deviant behavior of adolescents is becoming more and more urgent. Traditionally, adolescence seems to be one of the most difficult periods of human development, since it is at this time that intensive physiological development primarily occurs. In addition, this age is characterized by the formation of the Self-concept, including the value system, the definition of one's position in society, etc.
Psychologists, educators and sociologists, characterizing the peculiarities of the perception of modern adolescents, highlight the influence of information they receive from movies, commercials and many other sources that can have an initiating and provoking influence, while forming attitudes towards deviant behavior in adolescents. Researchers claim that one of the most popular leisure activities for teenagers is watching movies and cartoons. On the one hand, thanks to watching movies and cartoons of various orientations, teenagers are distracted in a certain way from their problems, experiences, fears, etc. [1]. On the other hand, these views can provoke teenagers to antisocial "experiments", to repeat behaviors that are demonstrated by characters with deviant characteristics.
Prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents in modern conditions is an urgent direction of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior.
There are many technologies of social work with teenagers of deviant behavior. However, the technologies of social work applied in practice with adolescents of deviant behavior are not always effective. This indicates the priority of searching for technologies of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior that will be interesting for adolescents and will solve socionomic problems in working with adolescents of deviant behavior.
Film therapy as a technology of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior is insufficiently developed in the theory of social work and has been tested in the practice of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior. In addition, in science, film therapy stands out as a technology of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior, and in practice, film therapy is more implemented by representatives of psychological sciences – this led to our research interest in the problem of film therapy as a technology of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior.
Film therapy is a technology of social work based on a joint analysis of a watched feature film and further conscious correction of the personality characteristics of adolescents [2, p. 58].
Researcher A. Meneghetti identifies techniques that form the basis of film therapy as a technology of social work [3]. D. A. Kuznetsova defines the qualities of film therapy as a technology of social work [4].
Research conditions and methods
The study was conducted on the basis of district integrated centers of social services for the population of the Samara city district. Research method: expert survey. Number of experts: 10 people (social work specialists, psychologists, social educators).
Results and their discussions
A system of comprehensive social services for adolescents with deviant behavior has been formed in the Samara region. The expert survey conducted with the specialists of these institutions allowed us to draw the following conclusions:
1. Film therapy is an effective technology of social work with adolescents of deviant behavior.
2. Film therapy has a universal character, i.e. it can be considered as a technology of diagnosis, social prevention and social correction.
3. Film therapy allows you to solve various problems of adolescents with deviant behavior: forms skills for predicting their own behavior, readiness for public expression of their own position, corrects self-esteem, parent-child relationships, conflict behavior, etc.
4. Film therapy is perceived by teenagers as an element of entertainment, not edification, which makes it possible to evaluate it as accessible, understandable for perception.
5. One of the key points of a film therapy session is the timing, the absence of external interference, because after distraction from the film it is difficult to re-create the necessary atmosphere for further viewing.
6. Film therapy is a time-consuming technology. So, a full viewing of the film can take several hours, due to the lack of allocated time for one session, the analysis of the film is postponed to another time, which requires additional resources from both specialists and teenagers. Therefore, most often group sessions of film therapy are held, individual classes are held to work out the specific problems of a particular teenager.
The theoretical analysis of scientific literature and the results of an expert survey indicate that there are wide opportunities for the implementation of film therapy in social work with adolescents of deviant behavior. However, the results of the expert survey indicate insufficient methodological support for film therapy in social services; the absence of specially developed programs for conducting film therapy sessions. This aspect will be the subject of further research by the authors.


About the authors

Rufina Safiullina

Самарский университет

Author for correspondence.
Email: rufina.safiullina1@gmail.com

Социологический факультет, 1 курс магистратуры

Russian Federation, 443086, Россия, г. Самара, Московское шоссе, 34

Ludmila Vladimirovna Vandysheva

Самарский университет

Email: vandyshevalyudmila@mail.ru

Кафедра теории и технологии социальной работы

Russian Federation, 443086, Россия, г. Самара, Московское шоссе, 34


  1. Muryukina E. V., Chelysheva I. V. Aesthetic traditions of media education in modern film clubs for schoolchildren and students. Taganrog: Taganrog Publishing House. 2014. 200 p.
  2. Korobova E. A., Kiseleva E. V. Film therapy as one of the effective methods of art-therapeutic work with youth and youth // Young scientist. 2017. No. 1.1 (135.1). pp. 58-61.
  3. Meneghetti A. Cinema, theater, the unconscious. M.: Ontopsychology, 2001. 384 p.
  4. Kuznetsova D. A. Possibilities of using film therapy in correctional, developmental and educational activities // Journal of problems of modern pedagogical education. 2018. No. 60 (3). From 434-436.

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Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University

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