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  • Authors: Shevchuk A.1
  • Affiliations:
    1. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev"
  • Issue: No 2(21) (2022)
  • Pages: 183-186
  • Section: Pedagogy
  • Published: 09.08.2023
  • URL: https://vmuis.ru/smus/article/view/10644
  • ID: 10644

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The article analyzes the concept of "communicative culture of a high school student". The components of the communicative culture of high school students are highlighted. The levels of communicative culture (sociability) of high school students are characterized; strategies of behavior in conflict among high school students with different levels of sociability are described.
A high level of communication was revealed in a fifth of respondents, isolation and lack of communication was revealed in a tenth of high school students. The average level of sociability prevails among students. Adaptation is often the chosen behavior strategy for half of the sample of high school students. A third of students are trying to find a compromise in a conflict situation. The rest choose evasion and confrontation as a strategy of behavior in conflict. High school students with a high level of sociability choose compromise, with an average level – adaptation, whereas with a low level of sociability they choose either confrontation or evasion. At the same time, none of the sample of high school students

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Communicative culture plays an important role in the period of high school age. It is at high school age that new boundaries for communication open up, where the child acquires his role in society [1], [2] and forms an individuality [3]. In this study, we consider the communicative culture of a high school student, first of all, as the choice and implementation by schoolchildren of ways of interacting with the outside world, the search for meaning in this interaction and is expressed in the unity of social, communicative knowledge, skills accumulated in the process of subject-subject interaction [4], which becomes the basis for the development of initiative – an important quality modern youth [5], [6]. In this regard, the communicative culture of high school students is represented through their mastery of subjective individual experience, the allocation of which is a necessary condition for educating them of this type of culture [7].The communicative aspect also comes to the fore when interacting with parents during the crisis period of development [8].
Consequently, the communicative culture is formed in the process of communication of high school students and is associated with a variety of activities, expressed in the ability to use their social, communicative properties in interaction and communication; in skills related to understanding and taking into account interpersonal interaction, the ability to establish, maintain contact; predict the possible development of the situation in which communication unfolds; be able to overcome psychological barriers; choose an adequate manner of behavior, etc. [9], which may affect professional choice [10] and further development in the profession [11].Research conditions and methods
In this regard, the purpose of the study is to identify the level of communication and the strategy of behavior in a conflict situation, which determines the peculiarities of the formation of the communicative culture of high school students.
The study was conducted on the basis of the Lyceum of Public Service and Law Enforcement Agencies in Samara with the participation of 153 high school students aged 15 to 17 years. Psychodiagnostic methods were used in the study: "Assessment of the level of sociability" (V.F. Ryakhovsky): allows you to determine the degree of sociability, sociability of a person, the desire to make contact; "Identification of leading behavior in a conflict situation" (K. Thomas, R. Kilmann in adaptation by N. V. Grishina), which describes typical behavior in a conflict situation. Statistical processing of the material was carried out using Excel 7.0 forWindows XP, StatistikaforWindows 6.0 programs. It is an integral part of research in the field of psychology and pedagogy [12].Results and their discussion
According to the study conducted using the methodology "Assessment of the level of sociability", the majority of high school students (103 people – 67%) have an average level of sociability, sociability and desire to make contact. A high level was detected in 22% (34 people) of high school students, while 16 (10%) of the subjects revealed a low level.
According to the psychodiagnostics of leading behavior in a conflict situation, high school students use the entire arsenal of behavioral styles in conflict situations, but to varying degrees. Thus, it was revealed that the majority of high school students use the device (78 people – 51%). Compromise as a leading behavior in a conflict situation is used by 32% (49 people), while evasion and confrontation are used by 14% (21 people) and 3% (5 people) of high school students, respectively. The dependence of the leading behavior in a conflict situation among high school students on the level of their sociability differs significantly.Thus, among high school students with a high level of sociability, the majority (88%) use compromise (Fig. 1), adaptation is used to a lesser extent (12%).Thus, getting into conflict situations, the behavior of high school students with a high level of sociability is characterized (when using a compromise style of behavior) by the search and use of a common way and methods of solving complex situations; secondly, they tend (when using a style of behavior adaptation) to sacrifice their own interests and beliefs for the sake of satisfying the interests of another, their lack of attempts to defend their own interests and needs in order to reduce the level of tension and restore normal interaction between the parties to the conflict.Among high school students with an average level of sociability, the majority (72%) use a device, to a lesser extent a compromise is used (18%). In addition, some of the high school students in this group (10%) use evasion, which distinguishes them by a kind of withdrawal from a conflict situation that may affect the interests of all its participants or has no importance or relevance in the solution. The behavior of these high school students is distinguished by avoiding participation in a conflict when a certain party has more influence or power and certifies its own wrongness.Among high school students with a low level of sociability, the majority (69%) use evasion, confrontation is used to a lesser extent (31%). In confrontation, there is a tendency to obtain a unilateral gain in a conflict situation, dominance over other participants, imposing one's own opinion and exerting pressure on opponents of a conflict situation.The high school students of the analyzed sample are not endowed with such features of behavior during conflict situations as the use of a style of behavior in the form of cooperation in resolving conflict situations, meeting the individual needs of each participant in such a situation. It should be remembered that insufficiently formed communication skills can be a condition for deviant behavior [13].Conclusion
As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that high school students have a high level of formation of communication culture characterized by a high level of sociability and the predominance of compromise as a strategy of behavior in a conflict situation. Whereas a low level of communication culture is characterized by a low level of sociability and such a strategy of behavior in a conflict situation as avoidance. We consider the prospects for further research to be the development of pedagogical conditions and means of improving the level of communicative culture among high school students with a low indicator of the analyzed parameters. One of the means can be a discussion of the read works [14] of psychological content.


About the authors

Anastasiya Shevchuk

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev"

Author for correspondence.
Email: ledinez-n@mail.ru

Faculty of Psychology, Master's degree, 2nd year

Russian Federation, 34 Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia.


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