

Полный текст


В этой статье рассматривается развитие безналичных операций в России и мире, описываются причины развития интернет-банкинга, такие как глобализация и растущее число устройств, подключенных к интернету. Описаны три главных сервиса онлайн-банкинга, которые могут быть предложены клиентам - сайт, приложения и чат-банкинг. Обозначены изменения в последнем обновлении ВТБ24-онлайн и результаты, которые достиг банк в рейтинге интернет-банкинга в связи с обновлением. Отмечена связь между качеством сервисов онлайн банкинга и прибылью банка.

Полный текст

The history of online banking has started The same situation is in Russia - the part more than 20 years ago - in 1983. The Bank of of non-cash payments is growing and compar- Scotland offered Nottingham Building Society ing the volume of operations in 2010, it became customers service called «Homelink» [1]. With- 4 times more (fig. 2) [4]. out a doubt developing information age made a According to Markswebb internet banking huge difference in economics including banking rank 2016 results, 35,3 million of Russians at sphere. In «Being Digital» Nicholas Negroponte the ages from 18 to 64 (64,5% of Russia popula- notices that: «The burden of interaction today tion among this age) use internet banking for has been placed totally on the shoulders of the individuals. And the number of internet banking human party. This will change. Talking, point- users constantly growing - for example the ing, and looking should work together as part of amount of online banking users in Russia has a multimodal interface that is less about messag- increased by 51 % from 2015 to 2014 [5]. ing back and forth and more like face-to-face, Meanwhile, the number of internet con- human-to-human conversation» [2]. And it is nected devices increases too - since 2015 the exactly what we see today: more and more op- number increased by more than 5 billion devices erations become automatized and replaced by and it is predicted, that the number continue to machinery and computing. In banking plenty of grow (fig. 3) [6]. processes become clearer to the customer and In such a connection the development of can be implemented by themselves. Globaliza- non-cash services, offered by banks, becomes tion and internalization have also played a role - vital. Nowadays, there are two main channels of people want to perform in the same way (with services provision, that suggested to use internet: the same level of convenience) as in their native applications, placed on mobile devices and sites. city or country from any point in the world. One more relatively new channel - chatbanking. Moreover, with the introduction of credit and It is developing since 2016 and Tochka Bank in debit cards anyone want to control their budget July 2016 launched world’s ‘first’ financial Fa- straightforward. cebook bot [7]. These systems are supposed to Only in United States the number of non- connect to social networks accounts with the cash payments has increased significantly - ability to start dialogue with bot to access neces- from 8,3 billion of cards to 47,0 billion (fig. 1) sary banking features. Nevertheless, applications [3]. and on-site banking services stay more functional and useful due to the security issues of full access © Nikishina A. L., 2017. to the finances through social media. Nikishina Anna Leonidovna This research considers the significance of (nikishina.a.l@gmail.com), online banking and internet services develop- graduate student of the Faculty of Informatics ment on the example of VTB24 (one of the big- of the Samara University, gest banks in Russia) 2016 renewal. 443086, Russia, Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34. 112 Экономика и менеджмент Fig. 1. Trends in non-cash payments 2000-2012 in the USA, by number and type of transaction [3] Fig. 2. The volume of non-cash operations in Russia [4] Fig. 3. The number of internet connected devices 2015-2017 with prediction to 2025 [6]

Об авторах

Анна Леонидовна Никишина

Самарский университет

Email: nikishina.a.l@gmail.com
443086, Россия, г. Самара, Московское шоссе, 34

Список литературы

  1. History of online banking. URL: thefinancialbrand.com/25380/yodlee-history-of-internet-banking (accessed: 30.09.2017).
  2. Negroponte N. Being digital. NY.: Vintage, 1995. 272 p.
  3. The 2013 Federal Reserve Payments Study. URL: https://www.frbservices.org/assets/news/research/2013-fed-res-paymtstudy-detailed-rpt.pdf (accessed: 30.09.2017).
  4. Доля безналичных расчётов растёт. URL: bcs-express.ru/novosti-i-analitika/doliabeznalichnykh-raschetov-rastet (дата обращения: 30.09.2017).
  5. Internet Banking Rank 2016. URL: markswebb.ru/e-finance/internet-bankingrank-2016 (accessed: 30.09.2017).
  6. Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices installed base worldwide from 2015 to 2025. URL: www.statista.com/statistics/471264/iot-number-of-connected-devicesworldwide(accessed: 30.09.2017).
  7. Tochka Bank launches world’s first financial facebook bot. URL: www.bankingtech. com/533952/tochka-bank-launches-worldsfirst-financial-facebook-bot (accessed: 30.09.2017).
  8. ВТБ 24 обновил мобильное приложение. URL: www.banki.ru/news/lenta/?id=9563237 (дата обращения: 30.09.2017).
  9. Best usability. URL: 2016.goldensite.ru/work/best-usability-ux-/3695 (accessed: 30.09.2017).
  10. Мобильный банк ВТБ24 стал вторым в рейтинге iOS-приложений. URL:66.ru/bank/news/releases/198353 (дата обращения: 30.09.2017).
  11. Halili B. R. The impact of Online Banking on Bank Performance: master thesis. Prague, 2014. 62 p.

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