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Thanks to the technology and information technology advances, the way that we live, study and work have been changing. Every day we have more tools to be more productive, get new knowledge and improve our careers. However, these advantages are not equal for everyone. The access to education, internet and other tools depend to the socioeconomic status, education level, geographical location, and sadly, to the gender too. In this article is presented an analysis about the digital gender gap in Bolivia, the biggest obstacles and what companies proposed to do in order to balance and little by little, reduce this gap.

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During the last few decades, we have been passes, the digital divide grows and with it also able to observe and even to experience ourselves the separation with the rest of the world. how the technology, especially information and If we analyze the case of women, statistical- communication technology, has the power to ly they represent the majority among those who transform our lifestyle socially, economically and lack access to technology (computers, use of elec- politically. The technology advances have created tronic devices and the internet). This digital gen- new fields of work, discovering new economics der gap first refers to the countries that have and and employment opportunities and, in many cases, those that do not have easy access to technological bridging the gaps towards entrepreneurship and advances. The interior of each country, the divi- innovation. Today, most countries and companies sion deepened between the socioeconomic back- around the world, look into technology in order to grounds, who have access to the technology and accelerate their production processes and increase those who do not have, in particular in rural areas. their profitability and performance. However, the gender gap prevails at all levels, The technology brings new challenges at the with women still lagging behind men in access to global level because the speed with which its pro- training or in the application technological tools in gresses is infinite and those persons, companies, general [2]. or countries that are not able to move along with it In many countries, men are the ones who or are not «connected», they run the risk of being acquire greater skills and technological left behind. knowledge. These tools have a great influence In the case of Bolivia, despite the fact that because they give them the power to implement the Internet and other technological advances are new techniques and to innovate others as well as part of the day-to-day of the citizens, the country new products or processes. In contrast, women is known for being one of the least adapted, and face numerous barriers that prevent them from assimilated the new technologies in South Ameri- fully exploit the new opportunities, increase their ca [1]. Its digital connection is considered as one companies’ productivity, and to have access to of the worst quality, both in terms of speed and more productive jobs with greater potential to access per capita. That means that each year that generate income [3]. Access to education in Bolivia © Saldias E. А., Matveeva Yu. V., 2017. During the last decades, Bolivia has fought Saldias Estenssoro Adriana to increase the access to education for both boys (, and girls, in particular in the suburban and rural graduate student of the Institute of Economics and Management; areas [1]. As a result, the rate of school attendance Matveeva Yulia Valerevna has increased, both in the urban as in the rural ar- (, ea. In the fig. 1, you can see the attendance rate of assistant professor of the Management Department the population between 6 and 19 years during of the Samara University, 1992, 2001 and 2012. 443086, Russia, Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34. 116 Экономика и менеджмент Юриспруденция Thanks to the efforts and measures imple- hough, in the fig. 3 we can see that they are rela- mented by the current Government of Bolivia (for tively few are the women who choose a career in example; economic bonus and initiatives) and var- science and research. ious organizations, linked to the education sector, These numbers are even more disturbing, the attendance rate between boys and girls has in- considering that the scientific and technological creased, and is practically equal, although there is research in Bolivia is one of the lowest in the still a small gender gap in the rural area, as is evi- American continent [1]. According to Lozada denced in the fig. 2. (2016), Bolivia occupies one of the last places in This is a first step, but what happens after the number of researchers per thousand people in finishing school? The situation changes as shown the economically active population. The 25 % of in the fig. 2, after high school, most of the people researchers studies natural sciences, engineering do not culminate in a degree of higher education. and technology 21 % and agricultural science only Especially in the rural area on the year 2014, when 15 %. In this way, the research activity and exper- only 4,75 % of the women and a 6,28 % of the imental development are concentrated in the pub- men obtained a higher education [1]. lic universities. If we analyze based on the data supplied by Nowadays, in Bolivia, women do not repre- the Statistical Institute of UNESCO, the ratio be- sent a large percentage in the scientific and tech- tween men and women admitted to the university, nological development of the American countries, we can observe that the number of women en- not only in the levels of education, but also in the rolled, exceeded the number of men [4]. Alt- labor force [2]. a b Fig. 4. Attendance rates in urban (a) and rural (b) areas of Bolivia [5] a b Fig. 5. Level of education achieved in urban (a) and rural (b) areas of Bolivia (2014) [5] Вестник молодых учёных и специалистов Самарского университета. 2017. № 2 (11) 117 Fig. 6. Proportion of Bolivian Students in Higher Education [4] of in the years, the According to the OECD (2016), taking as a case Bolivia, recent despite fact reference the results of international tests PISA in that it has improved the access to education, the the year 2015, these differences are due to issues difference between the access to sources of work related to the predominant role that meets each between men and women is increasing, showing gender and negative attitudes or stereotypes to- that women are less valued by society as a work- ward the scientific activity, rather than skills or force (or intellectual capital). potential abilities of women [6]. It is more likely According to the report «Wages, salaries for a man to study engineering, science or com- and employment in the private sector in 2008- puter science than for a woman. According to the 2015» of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), OECD (2015), according to the data of the PISA the gender gap according to the payment has 2015, «less than 5 % of the girls want to pursue a grown 7 times over a period of 7 years. «Because career in engineering or computing,» and «they do the private sector prefers to hire men (they pay not feel prepared for entering the labor market at them better), the employment for women is con- 10 % more than the boys» [7]. centrated in the informal area and they are in posi- However, it is not only about bridging the tions of lower qualification» [8]. The majority of cultural and socio-demographic barriers, but also women, especially in suburban, rural and marginal to encourage the presence of female teachers, social sectors, which have a limited access to edu- teaching scientific and technological subjects, who cation, continue to carry out activities of low can act as models. In addition, to make it more productivity. For example, services, informal trad- attractive for girls and teens subjects like mathe- ing, or working in small enterprises, and that 70 % matics, physics, chemistry, etc.; as well as, to en- of women workers are in positions of lower-rated courage the knowledge of computer programs and job. The companies are opting to hire men be- the use of computer applications (graphic design, cause the working loads of these are minor. The multimedia resources). On the other hand, it is woman can get pregnant and this means that the important for families and communities to en- company has to give them permission of materni- courage girls and teens to study technical subjects, ty and pay the breastfeeding time. supporting them and raising their confidence that they have all the potential to do it and be success- Bolivia and access to the Internet ful. These and other actions can help to promote Another important point is the access of the training of women and girls in science and women and men to the information and commu- technology, giving them the opportunity of access nication technologies (ICT) [9]. to more demanding and more remunerated jobs in In Bolivia, according to the ATT (Tele- productive areas and the efficient use of infor- communications and Transport Regulatory and mation and communication technologies [3]. Inspection Authority), during the last few years Otherwise, the technological advances do internet access has increased significantly, not contribute to decrease the occupational segre- 170.782 internet connections in the year 2006 to gation between men and women; on the contrary, 6’772.089 to June 2016, presenting a growth of it will increase this difference [3]. Returning to the 38 % in 10 years [10]. 118 Экономика и менеджмент Юриспруденция If we talk about the gender differences, in information in order to get results and improve Bolivia, women have the same opportunities to their personal and professional development. The purchase cell phones or other electronic devices use of the internet and digital devices of infor- and access the Internet, such as men do. However, mation is not anymore an exclusivity; it is a need. as reflected in data collected by CEPAL (2009), In a globalized and «connected» society, digital men are those who use and take advantage of this inclusion operates as a competitive advantage in technology [7; 8]. In the fig. 4 and 5 we can see terms of social integration, contributing in a sig- the difference in the use of the internet, according nificant way to the well-being of the people [3]. to educational level and according to the condition Women cannot be left out of this education- of activity. al process, constituting a factor of empowerment; In spite of the great progress in terms of eq- since they have the same right as men to take ad- uitable access of internet, it is not enough to eradi- vantage of the benefits that these technological cate the digital gender gap. Because, in addition to tools provide and increase their productivity in the having access to the Internet and other technolo- workplace, be more efficient in time management gies, women need to have the knowledge and the and to be better linked to social and occupational- resources to make this access effective and use the ly (OIG, 2013) [3]. Fig. 7. Use of the Internet in Bolivia, by level of education [11] Fig. 8. Use of the Internet in Bolivia, by activity condition [12] Public policies in the reduction plementation of public policies from a gender per- of digital gender gaps spective. In the case of the access and use of in- The role of the State is crucial to the reduc- formation and communication technologies (ICT), tion of gaps. Even more, digital gaps, with the im- these policies should be, primarily, in the field of Вестник молодых учёных и специалистов Самарского университета. 2017. № 2 (11) 119 internships education, favoring the population of scarce eco-  of return (to work), and pro- nomic resources, which do not have the possibili- grams by stages to retrieve talent, especially at ties to acquire a computer, even less, access to managerial levels; technology. This is possible through the develop-  awareness-raising programs and infor- ment of school programs and invest financial re- mation to give women and girls the knowledge sources for the training of teachers and adequate and the inspiration needed to make careers in sci- equipment, which goes beyond the provision of ence, technology, engineering or mathematics and laptops to teachers and students that, although it to obtain the relevant qualifications. was a measure implemented in the year 2014 by Although these initiatives and practices are the current government of Bolivia, it requires oth- very important, it is essential to adopt and focus er actions to be more sustainable. strategies to transform the business culture and In addition, central government and local open up prospects for changes of greater magni- governments have to promote the development of tude. a digital day-to-life, to achieve the responsible use In the private sphere, the practices that are of the internet and the information it provides. For suggested and that many companies carry out are: women this means facing the risks of daily use of  training programs, basic and specialized ICT against the harassment of minors and gender- digital literacy that allow the inclusion of women based violence; and the role of prevention is cru- through skills acquisition for the use of ICTs cial in a society that has the responsibility for the adapted to their occupational profiles. Trainings take care of the family and, many times, this sup- not only focused on the use of ICT, but to other port is only made by women. aspects that affect their work and performance (empowerment, increased self-esteem, better greater integration, innovation); Practices to reduce the technological gap in communication, businesses  workplace application projects that in- In the world of business and technology, the volve innovation in processes and procedures; gender gap is a reality and has begun to be a prob-  contests of innovation applying lem. Certain technology companies, aware of the knowledge in ICT; social evolution and that, and despite the fact that  mentoring in the workspace; women have made globally in their representation  incentives for the use of software and oth- in the labor market, its stagnation in the tech sec- er tools in the workplace; tor means a decrease of its influence in terms of  partial or full scholarships for specialized shaping a society that develops and becomes in- courses as an incentive to continue their training; creasingly virtual environments. The article «The  financial and non-financial incentives (bet- geniuses of Silicon Valley» (SUCASAS, 2015) ter salary, promotion, performance score review, points out that one of the problems of modern bonuses). start-ups is the lack of women [13]. In the Corporation of Mobile Operators References GSMA, which brings together almost 800 opera-

About the authors

Estenssoro Adriana Saldias

Samara University

443086, Russia, Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34

Yulia Valerevna Matveeva

Samara University

443086, Russia, Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34


  1. Lozada B. Políticas científicas y tecnológicas y de innovación en Bolivia (2006-2016). Bolivia: Instituto de Estudios Bolivianos, 2016. P. 58-63.
  2. La brecha digital de género: reflejo de la desigualdad social // Observatorio de Igualdad de Género CEPAL. URL: http:// (accessed: 1.03.2017).
  3. La brecha de género en la educación tecnológica 2016. España. P. 745-749. URL: (accessed: 11.03. 2017).
  4. Mujeres en ciencia // United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO. URL:!lang=es®ion=40520&country=BOL&panel=sectors (accessed: 3.03.2017).
  5. Instituto nacional de estadística de Bolivia // Base de datos de censos. URL: (accessed: 28.02.2017).
  6. Resultados de las pruebas PISA 2015 // Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). URL: (accessed: 26.05.2017).
  7. PISA in focus. ¿Qué subyace bajo la desigualdad de género en educación? // Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). URL: (accessed: 28.02.2017).
  8. En Bolivia la brecha salarial entre hombres y mujeres crece 7 veces // (online newspaper). URL: (accessed: 5.03.2017).
  9. Estado de situación de Internet en Bolivia // Autoridad de regularización y fiscalización de telecomunicaciones y transportes ATT. URL: (accessed: 4.03.2017).
  10. Situación de Internet en Bolivia // Autoridad de regularización y fiscalización de telecomunicaciones y transportes ATT. URL: (accessed: 13.03.2017).
  11. Uso de internet por nivel educativo y sexo // Comisión económica de América Latina y el Caribe CEPAL. URL: (accessed: 4.03.2017).
  12. Uso de internet por condición de actividad y sexo // Comisión económica de América Latina y el Caribe CEPAL. URL: (accessed: 5.03.2017).
  13. Los genios del Silicon Valley // El País. URL: (accessed: 12.13.2017).
  14. ¿Cómo colmar la brecha de género digital? // ITUNEWS Magazine. URL: (accessed: 10.03.2017).

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Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University

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