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In the present work, a new model of an elementary anti-fog lattice is formulated. An exact analytical
solution for the electric field of a rectangular flat plate is obtained in terms of elementary functions with
using of superposition principle. The problem of induced dipole moment determining for a water drop
has been solved. It is shown that this parameter is proportional to the external electric field and the
valume of the droplet. The forces of interactions of a drop with an external field and two drops with
each other have been calculatied. The answer is presented in the most general form. The problem of
determination of the rates for coagulation and scaterring of fog drops in the electric field of the lattice
in the one-dimensional case has been solved. The dependences of the electric field and its first and
second derivatives are represented as functuions of the coordinate of the observation point. It is shown
that the curves corresponding to these functions have mirror symmetry with respect to the geometric
center of the lattice. The curves of dependences of droplet accelerations under an external field and an
electric field of a neighboring droplet have been presented. It is shown that for fogs existing in nature,
the acceleration mechanism their drops by an external field in the direction of the lattice plates will be
the main mechanism for scattering of fog. A detailed numerical analysis of the kinematics of droplet
motion in an electric field has been carried out. It is shown that the acceleration of the droplet and
its dipole moment reach maximum values at the surface of the plates. The full scattering time of fog
drops between plates of the lattice does not exceed 8,5 hours. The lattice can be used on motorways,
runways of medium size for effective scattering of fog.

About the authors

Jury Petrovich Philippov

Samara University

Author for correspondence.
Email: yuphil@mail.ru

доцент кафедры общей и теоретической физики, к.ф.-м.н.

Russian Federation

Larisa Sergeevna Ukhvatova

Email: uhvatova64@gmail.com

Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University

ISSN 2782-2982 (Online)

Publisher and founder of the online media, journal: Samara National Research University, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.

The online media is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications, registration number EL No. FS 77-86495 dated December 29, 2023

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Editor-in-chief: Andrey B. Prokof'yev, Doctor of Science (Engineering), associate professor,
head of the Department of Aircraft Engine Theory

2 issues a year

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Editorial address: building 22a, room 513, Soviet of Young Scientists and Specialists, 1, Academician Pavlov Street, Samara, 443011, Russian Federation.

Address for correspondence: room 513, building 22a, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.

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Domain name: VMUIS.RU (Domain ownership certificate), Internet email address: https://vmuis.ru/smus.

The previous certificate is a printed media, the journal “Bulletin of Young Scientists and Specialists of Samara University”, registered by the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications in the Samara Region, registration number series PI No. TU63-00921 dated December 27, 2017.

© Samara University

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